• Via Praga 10, 43010
    Bianconese di Fontevivo (PR) – Italia

About us - Manara Roberto S.r.l.

Manara Roberto Generatori di Vapore

Manara Roberto s.r.l. nasce nel 1997, da un’esperienza trentennale nel settore. Da oltre 20 anni, progettiamo e costruiamo generatori di vapore, impianti a vapore e centrali termiche chiavi in mano. La nostra gamma prodotti offre soluzioni specifiche e customizzabili per ogni esigenza: produzione di vapore da 50 a 20.000 kg/h; pressione da 1 a 15 bar; a tubi di fumo, a tubi d'acqua o a serpentino; alimentazione a gas, gpl, gasolio o modelli totalmente elettrici. Completano la nostra offerta accessori quali accumulatori, serbatoi, raffreddatori, addolcitori. L’ampio assortimento dei nostri generatori, l’organizzazione dinamica, flessibile ed efficiente rappresentano un reale valore aggiunto in grado di distinguere la nostra azienda sul mercato italiano ed estero.

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Manara Roberto S.r.l.
Steam Generators

Manara Roberto s.r.l. was born in 1997, from thirty years of experience in the sector. For over 20 years, we design and produce steam generators, steam systems and turn-key thermal power stations. Our product range offers specific and customized solutions for every need: steam production from 50 to 20.000 kg/h; pressure from 1 to 15 bar; with smoke pipes, water pipes or coil; powered by gas, lpg, diesel or fully electric models. Accessories like steam accumulators, tanks, coolers, water softeners round off our offer.

The wide range of our generators, the dynamic, flexible and efficient organization represent a real added value that can distinguish our company on the Italian and foreign market.

For over 20 years, we design and produce steam generators,
steam systems and turn-key thermal power stations.

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Why choose us

We are manufacturer of various industrial applications based on steam technology, the clean energy. We are also able to develop ides following the changing needs of customers.

Our team is always up to date on the best sustainable production solutions.

  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Specialized engineers
  • Respect of delivery deadlines
  • Outstanding machinery